Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you provide?
We provide Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy services. We are experienced therapists who work in niche areas of practice. please contact us to learn more about our niche areas.
What is an Occupational Therapist?
Occupational therapy enables people to participate in activities they find meaningful. These activities include taking care of oneself (and others), working, volunteering, and participating in hobbies, interests and social events. Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession that involves ongoing assessments to understand what activities you can do (and those you want to do), any current limitations, your goals/motivations and also to offer advice/techniques about how to do something more easily and safely.
Why is it called ‘occupational’ therapy?
In occupational therapy, the word "occupation" refer to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to “occupy” time and bring meaning and purpose to life. Occupations include things people need to, want todo and are expected to do. (WFOT – World Federation of Occupational Therapists)
How do you work at Grow Occupational Therapy?
We work from our own home. We don’t have a clinic- so all of our work with our clients is done in the clients home or in the community. All of our report writing, and office work is done from our home. We feel that seeing our clients in their own home is far more valuable than being in a clinic setting, however, if you have a reason to want to have your appointment outside of the home – we are very flexible and mobile! So please let us know.
How will I know if you will be the right therapist for me?
We want to make sure that we are the best fit for all of the clients we take on. To make sure we are right for you, we will ask lots of questions when we receive a referral. Sometimes we will book a screening appointment with a therapist. This is a free 15-20 minute conversation over the phone. If you feel that we are not right for you. There is no obligation to book in with us. If we think there is a different service that is more appropriate for you- we will let you know and may be able to help with onward referral.
What should I expect in my first appointment?
The first appointment is generally about getting to know you and your needs.
The day before the appointment you will receive a text message reminder so you are prepared for our visit.
At the appointment time your therapist will come to your home. Please don’t worry about food or drink for the visiting therapist, and please don’t worry about cleaning up for the visit. We understand that life isn't always tidy.
During this appointment, your therapist may do some or all of the following:
- Get to know you.
- Talk with you about the reason for your referral and your goals
- Sign any paperwork such as a service agreement and a consent form
- Complete assessments with you
- Make a plan for your next appointment
Who can come to my appointments?
Usually it is just your therapist and you. However we do not expect you to kick your family out of the home for the appointment! You are very welcome to have family, a friend, support workers, carers or anyone you'd like to be there as a support person. We are generally ok with pets joining in too- as long as they are friendly! Sometimes we work with other therapists to have joint sessions. We will always talk to you about this before booking a joint session.
Can I have a video appointment?
We offer video and telephone appointments to clients who prefer this. We find these appointments work well for clients who we know well and have visited in the home a few times. Video appointments can be useful for a quick check in to see how you are going with something we have recommended.
How will you communicate with me?
We are pretty flexible with communication and don’t want to bombard you- you've got other things in your life! Let us know how you like to receive appointment reminders and how you’d like us to communicate with you, and we will do our best to meet your needs.
This could be text messages, emails, phone calls, letters or all of the above! (we don't do carrier pigeons).
Admin hours
The wonderful Monica makes everything happen for us behind the scenes. She works Monday and Thursday between 10 and 1. Outside of these hours we have a small team opf receptionists who can take your call Monday to friday 9am - 5pm.
Will you talk with other people involved in my supports?
A lot of our clients have several different providers involved in their life. This could be members of your family, a friend, your boss, your teacher, a Support Coordinator, Local Area Coordinator, your GP, physiotherapist, speech pathologist, dietitian, support workers (and the list goes on)..
If you would like us to communicate with others in your team, we will. However you can let us know if there are certain people you would prefer us not to communicate with- please let us know and we will make sure we zip it.
This info can be recorded on your consent form- and can be changed, as you need it to be.
How do you work within the NDIS system?
The majority of our clients receive funding through the NDIS to fund their allied health input. We do not work for the NDIS – we receive funding through your plan for our input with you. We have been working within this system since 2015 and have seen a lot of changes as it has been implemented around Australia. It is a priority for us to maintain up to date knowledge of any changes to this system.
What is a service agreement?
A service agreement is an agreement between you and your provider that makes it clear to what you have both agreed to. It is covered by Australian Consumer Law.
The NDIA recommends having a written service agreement so participants and providers are clear about what each party has agreed to. For example, what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered. Making a service agreement is a negotiation between you and us. You can involve another person, such as a family member or friend. We will support you to understand your service agreement with us and talk you through each section.
How long will I wait for an appointment?
We purposely keep our client numbers low, so that we can give each client the best service we can. We don't keep a waiting list. Instead, if we have availability we will book you in to the next available appointment.

Can’t find your question here?
Reach out and let us know today.